2020-25 Strategic Plan

View Strategic Plan Document

Mission, Vision and Values


Central Community College maximizes student and community success.


Our vision is to be the best choice in our service area for:

  • 通过卓越的教职员工提供优质教育,促进学生实现终身教育目标,并为学生提供有利可图的就业选择, successful credit transfer and continued learning. 这可以通过个性化关注来实现,并被视为一种积极的投资回报.
  • 在利用现代化设施的同时,通过以工作为基础的学习伙伴关系和创业机会培养熟练劳动力, technologies and alumni advocates.
  • 通过公私伙伴关系推动社区发展,创造未来的公民贡献者, economic developers and sustainability leaders. Vision:


中央社区学院重视学生、社区、创新和学生的成功. We demonstrate this by measuring:

  • 获取:通过多种方式提供教学和高质量的支持服务, 通过开放招生来满足学生的需求,强调学生的成功,并为所使用的教育资金提供有价值的投资回报.
  • Student success: recognizing the importance of individual needs, providing comprehensive student support services, and producing academic and technical challenge; promoting student success by creating a learner-centered environment that supports holistic student development.
  • Preparation: serving the needs of diverse learners; fostering a commitment to lifelong learning by preparing students for their future in an interconnected global society.
  • 伙伴关系:通过相互尊重和互利的伙伴关系促进和创造教育机会,促进农村经济发展.
  • 多样性:重视学生群体和董事会的多样性, faculty, staff and administration.
  • 投资回报:实现和维护财务、社会和环境的可持续性.
  • 持续的质量改进:利用数据和利益相关者的意见,以学生的最大利益做出明智的决定.
  • Creativity: being proactive in exploring, 开发和实施新的规划和服务,以满足选民的需求.
  • Leadership: demonstrating high ethical and professional standards; continuing to build on Central Community College’s heritage while envisioning our future.

CCC Outcomes include creating:

  • Completers: skilled, 知识渊博、独立的终身学习者,具备成功完成大学教育目标所必需的职业道德和沟通技巧.
  • Critical thinkers: innovative problem solvers who are adaptable, 好奇和准备在一个相互联系的全球社会的未来.
  • Contributors: accountable, 积极和协作的领导者,在他们的专业和社区中产生积极的影响.

CCC 2020-2025 Impactful Initiatives

Open for Business 

中央社区学院的成人兼职入学人数大幅下降,部分原因是当地经济强劲,就业率创历史新高. While positive that employees have work, 我们也知道,高薪的工作需要高级教育/培训和技能,这些都可以从CCC获得. 为了接触到这一人群,当个人有时间接受这种教育时,需要提供CCC & training which may include evenings, weekends, 多个起点,并在我们的服务范围内混合在线和亲自交付.

Success Coach Program 

Provide each full-time and part-time degree, diploma and certificate seeking student access to a Success Coach. 我们知道这种模式是有效的,正如Project HELP和TRIO的成功所证明的那样. 目标是提高留存率、持久性和最终完成度. 我们大约70%的学生是兼职,他们与成功教练的联系是至关重要的,可能需要包括所有教师的支持, 管理人员和合同员工与成功教练专家一起担任这一职务.

Work based Learning/Apprenticeships 

随着对熟练工人的竞争日益激烈,学徒制“边学边赚”模式为学生提供了另一种选择,既可以继续接受教育,又可以通过就业养活自己. In addition to potentially reducing the reliance on student’s loans, 以工作为基础的学习机会是高需求招聘的一个工具, High Skill or High Wage (H3) careers. 利用现有课程模式和已建立的雇主关系, 合作伙伴关系可以在多个部门和学科之间扩大基于工作的学习/学徒制,同时加强对雇主伙伴关系的支持, scholarships, on-boarding and support services. 以工作为基础的规划与我们地区目前推动的劳动力计划相一致, 作为培养熟练人才的一种方法,这是该地区面临的挑战, state and nation for the coming decade.